Better Than Panda Express Mandarin Chicken

I know that this is not a craft or decor post but I just had to share this recipe with you. It is delicious!! Dave downloaded an app on his iPad that has a bunch of recipes on it. I have been trying some out. Some have not been so good, but there have been some that got a thumbs up!! This one definitely did! It is called Better Than Panda Express Mandarin Chicken. It is actually easy too which I love every once it awhile!!

The Recipe:

1 cup sugar
1/2 cup soy sauce
2 Tbs lemon juice
4 tsp garlic
1 tsp ginger
2  Tbs+2 tsp cornstarch
5 chicken breasts  (I usually only do 4 because the breasts I use are really big)

1) Bake or pan fry chicken until completely done, then cut into cubes (I like to boil them in water I feel like they have more moisture that way)

2) In a large pan or wok, mix together all remaining ingredients and simmer for about 15 minutes until sauce thickens, then add in the chicken. 

There is one thing that it does not call for that I like to add in it. Sesame Seeds!! They are so good in it!

I serve it over rice. SO YUMMY!! If you try it I hope you like it as much as we did!!

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1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite thing to get at Panda! Can't wait to try the homemade version. Thanks for sharing... found ya via pinterest :)
    Made By Meech


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