Candy Corn Bottle Vases

A few weeks ago I was at my in laws and saw that they had bought some fancy drinks, as in they were in glass bottles. I just like to call them that! I asked her if she could save the glasses for me when they were done drinking them. She was so sweet that did that for me! Now that I am doing more crafting I just knew there would be something I could do with them. I have seen many people make cute vases out of these bottle glasses and I thought it would be cute to do some for Halloween. Trying to figure out just what to do was hard for me. There are so many things you can do with the Halloween theme. I decided to make them look like Candy Corns. The best part is, this only cost me $2.00!! Of course, I got the bottles from my in laws, I had all the paints on hand, I used tree branches from my yard. I just got 2 sets of black roses from the Dollar Store! 

Here's What You Need:

-3 glass bottles
-white, orange & yellow paint
-black flowers to put in them (optional)
-tree branches to go inside (optional)
-black spray paint for the tree branches if you choose to do that

How To Make Them:

First off, paint the whole bottle white for a base coat. I did 2 coats over the whole bottle and then 3 over the top 1/3 where it is just the white showing. This part takes the longest because you have to let each layer dry completely. 

Next, paint the orange in the middle. I did two coats. 

Lastly, paint the yellow on the bottom. I also did two coats on this. 
Super Easy, right?!? The lines for each color don't have to be perfect like shown here. It just depends on the look you want. I thought I would like this, but I ended up going back and making it look more like a straight line going around. 

Then came the fun part, putting fillers inside the vases!! I was at the Dollar Store the other day and saw some super cute black roses with spiders in them. I just had to get them to put in one of the vases!
When I was first coming up with the idea I envisioned having black tree branches in the vases. So in the other two that's what I did. My parents have a tree in their backyard that had a dead limb on it so I got there permission to cut some of the branches off to use. Then I spray painted them black.
After they all dried I cut them to how I wanted them in the vases. 

Here are all 3 of them together...
I am so excited about how they turned out!!!
What do you think??

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  1. Super cute and easy idea. I like what you did with the sticks too! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Soo cute!!


  3. So cute Jill - I love it!!!! I am going to make them!

  4. Thank You So Much Girls!! I was thinking it would be fun to even paint the bottles with a color scheme that would match your house and put the branches in them to have to up all year! They are so pretty just sitting on a shelf! Oh the possibilities!!!

  5. These turned out great. I may have to do something like this in my foyer color scheme! Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Too cute! And so crafty! I may have to stea... err borrow this idea! Found you at Funky Junk.

  7. They look fabulous! I'm so glad I popped by via Strut your stuff Saturday!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha @ 5 Minutes just for Me

  8. Oh my, I LOVE this idea! I am kind of obsessed with candy corn projects right now, so this is absolutely gorgeous! Great job! Thanks so much for sharing at Show & Share!

  9. I lOVE this! Great job! Thanks so much for linking up to Tuesday Talent Show! I would love to have you stop by and link up again tomorrow with more great projects!

  10. How stunning! I love it!
    Thanks for following me. I'm you're newest follower!


  11. Thanks for linking up:>

    I love these! They are actually what finally got me to make some of my own. I will be featuring you tonight:>

    Love your blog!!

    Totally want to have you as a guest you rock!

  12. Great comments thanks for sharing!....

  13. I really like this. I am thinking about doing some crafty things with branches love this one. What kind of paint is that, you are using.

    1. Thank you so much!! I used regular craft paint, but I think spray paint would have worked better. I had to do lots of coats on them to get it to look right! Let me know if you have any other questions!


I appreciate every single comment!! I promise to respond to any questions you may have! Thanks for stopping by!