Hocus Pocus Plate

With Halloween coming up I have been busy getting all my ideas of crafts I want to do done before it gets here. I have had a few sayings that I wanted to work with when making my crafts. This one is all about "Hocus Pocus." 

I was at Michael's a few weeks ago looking around for some things and I came across this purple charger plate. I was actually trying to find black but I fell in love with this color and knew it would be perfect for Halloween. 

I then got on my computer looking up fonts I wanted to do the "Hocus Pocus" in. I finally decided on Pass the Chex font which can be found here. I had to play around with changing some letters to upper or lower case to get the letters I have in the dots. You don't even have to do what I did. Just play around with it to find what you like! That's why I like this font!! I cut that out with silver vinyl using my circut. After I got it on the plate, I did the stars. I found a star online that a liked. I wanted one that looked more "sparkly" then a regular star. I cut that out in green paper and the same silver vinyl I used for the Hocus Pocus. I got them all layed out how I wanted them to be. Then I stuck the vinyl to the plate and glued the green paper ones on with a glue stick. 

It was super easy to make, but it makes a cute statement for Halloween!! I absolutely Love it!!

Joining the Following:

Once Upon A Weekend Link Party @ Family Ever After

All Things Spooky @ All Things Thrifty

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. I love all your ideas. I am wonerdering if we could get together sometime adn you could give me a class on "the circut" I feel I dont know how to do things and I am itching to do more. Contact me through facebook if that is something you would be willing to do. Thanks!

  2. Jill.... question.... where did you find your clips for the "look what i did board"? Home Depot? Micheals? I want to finish that up this weekend!

  3. I am a new follower! I love all your ideas. so fun!

  4. Cutest little plate ever! I love the lettering that you used, and the finish look as well. Perfect for Halloween!

  5. Well hello there! I've given you "The Versatile Blogger" award on my blog Inspire Me Heather today, please come on over and check it out!

  6. Hi! I found your blog through the Versatile Blogger Awards at Inspire Me Heather. And I decided to follow you! Please stop by my blog, too. p.s. I love the candy corn bottles!

  7. I love the purple plate, too!! Very cute project!

  8. I LOVE this! It is so so cute. Good job

  9. I love this! I *think* I can even do this. :) Thanks for linking to Sweet Peas & Bumblebees. Love your blog!

  10. This turned out so great! Thanks for linking up with us at Show & Share! Can't wait to see what you link up this week!



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