{Dollar Store} Christmas Vases

First off, Happy Thanksgiving this week everyone!!! I hope everyone has a fun day with fun traditions!! I absolutely love Thanksgiving day. It is a special day for me to reflect about how many blessings I have and all the things I have to be Thankful for!

Now on to today's craft. I am so excited to be decorating for Christmas!! I love this holiday!!! I am so excited to be showing you my first Christmas decoration for this year!

I am going to be showing you to make cute Dollar Store Christmas Vases. You read it right...I got just about everything at the Dollar Store!!!!! We went there a few weeks ago and I decided to really look around to see everything they have there now. I seriously can't believe all that they have, especially in the craft section!! I am going to be checking them out FIRST when I am buying stuff for crafts. One thing in particular that I was happy about was styrofoam! They have styrofoam wreaths, blocks, and balls. So much cheaper to buy those things there then at an actual craft store!!

Here is what we are going to be using for todays vases:

When I said I got just about everything at the Dollar Store...the only thing I didn't get there was the ornaments. I got them at Wal-Mart. 

**I did not end up using the BIG ornaments in these vases. I just used the little ones**
-3 vases (I got 2 little ones the same and then 1 big one. They have lots of different choices)
- 1 pkg. Decorative Container Filler (which is just little foam balls) 
- 2 things of Glitter  Curly Ting. I only have 1 pictured. I decided in the end I wanted another in there. (This I was the most surprised about- that it was at the Dollar Store. I love this for decorating!)
- I pkg. Christmas ornaments. Like I said above, this is the only thing I didn't get at the Dollar Store. I got them at Wal-Mart.

To start, I went to my cricut to cut out some words. I wanted to use the phrase "Peace and Joy." I cut the words out in white vinyl. For the Peace I used Monster Paparazzi found HERE. For And I cut going up and down in the font His Name is Honey found HERE. For Joy, I used the font Pea Ashley Rose found HERE. Then I applied them on the vases. Here is what it looks like... 
Next came the fun part...getting to fill them!!!! In the two little vases I used the decorative container filler. I filled them both to the top with it. 

The big vase I put the glitter curly ting and ornaments in. 

Now we are all done!! SUPER EASY, RIGHT?!?

Here are a few pictures of these Cute Christmas Vases all done...

I am so excited to put them up in my house!!! They turned out Perfect!!

Joining the following:

Totally Inspired Tuesdays
Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special
One Artsy Mama


  1. Those are WAY cute! I am going to go to the dollar store for sure and pick this stuff up!!! Such a cute inexpensive idea! Thanks Jill!!!

  2. The white vinyl looks great on these! Very cute! :)

  3. Great job Jill, these turned out beautiful! What a simple idea with a big punch!

  4. These are incredible..They absolutely turned out BEAUTIFUL..Super cute.. I have a Christmas linky happening that I would LOVE for you to please share/add this awesome feature to pweeease. http://theartsygirlconnection.blogspot.com/2011/11/special-christmas-soiree1st-feature.html TY ~ Wishing you an amazing thanksgiving week : ))

  5. These are so cute! They would be great at our holiday party this year! I would LOVe for you to share it over at Totally Inspired Tuesdays going on now at The Inspired Collection! I hope you will link up!


  6. Hi! Stopping by from sweet peas and bumblebees. These came out great! And so thrifty too! Love that you took pictures of them with the snow.. super cute. I would love for you to link this up to my friday link party coming up :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Great idea...love the vinyl letters.

  8. Jill, I love these! They look fantastic...and it's awesome how inexpensive they were too! The letters really add a lot...I have a vase I put ornaments in, but I love the effect of the words. I would be thrilled if you'd share them here:


  9. Thanks again for linking up your awesome vases! Cant wait to see what you share this week :)

  10. They turned out great!! This is my kind of decoration: cheap and easy! Thanks for sharing at Shine on Friday. We hope you'll join us again soon.

  11. Wow, those look amazing! I've seen so many neat ideas using vinyl cut outs... it definitely seems like some sort of vinyl cutter might be a worthwhile investment.


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