.26 & Feeling Fantastic.

Today is the day,

I am officially 26!!!

The fact of this makes me happy but want to cringe at the same time.

I look at the number and it looks old, but I don't feel it. I remember when I was younger that 26 sounded so old and people that age knew everything there is to know. All the people I knew that were 26 were married and had kids of their own and now I am in that same boat! I definitely don't feel old. I feel very young!!

I am so grateful with all the Lord has blessed me with up to this point in my life. I still feel like I have so much to learn. I have been blessed to be a wife to my best friend.

I have also been blessed to be a mother to 2 beautiful kids. 

I love every second of being a wife and mother. There is no greater joy for me in the world than having a family!!

My 26th year has been set up for many great things!!

I am 26 and Feeling Fantastic!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Jill... Happy Birthday! I just happened to find your blog tonight and you are so amazing! I am your newest follower! Thank for sharing all of your great ideas! Vicki


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