{Feather Boa} Christmas Trees

Ya, you read it right...I made some Christmas Trees using feather boas!!! They turned out so pretty! I saw this idea about 5 years ago on a TV show and it has stuck with me because I just thought it was so creative! 

I got 3 styrofoam cones in different sizes. Then I got 5 feather boas. 
-1 white for the little tree
-2 green for the middle tree
-2 red for the big tree

Then I got the hot glue gun out and went to work!! It took me not even 10 minutes to make these!!

I put a strip of hot glue over the top of the tree and glued the feather boa over it...

Then I wrapped the boa around the tree adding strips of hot glue every few turns for it to stay in place. 

Lastly I put a big dab of hot glue at the bottom where the end is. 

Wahla!!!! Now you have some super pretty and very cute Christmas trees to spice up a shelf in the house!!

Joining the following:

{Junk in their Trunk}

One Artsy Mama
Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special
Everything Under the Moon


  1. These turned out super cute, what a great idea! For some reason, they remind of The Grinch, not sure why? Maybe because they are so fuzy? :)

  2. Oh my cuteness I love this idea! so fun! Thanks so much for linking up and sharing!

  3. Very creative idea!

    ~Mrs. Delightful

  4. ADORABLE! They look awesome with that little sign! :)


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