Pinning it on Pinterest #1

Welcome to my very first "Pinning it on Pinterest." I am so excited to be starting this new series. I hope you all enjoy it too. Every Friday I am going to be posting my favorite "pins" from the week from Pinterest. I had a preview about this on Monday and I said I would be posting my top 5 favorites, but I am going to be changing that! I have found so many ideas and cute things on there that I am going to be posting my top 10 favorites! I hope that is okay with you all!!

So Here We Go With Week #1:

This is the coolest idea I have ever seen for organizing necklaces! I am totally in love!! What a perfect way to keep them from getting tangled together. Mine are all in a drawer right now so I can testify what a pain it is to get them apart!! I absolutely love the old rustic rake! I am definitely going to be using this idea!
Pinned HERE

I absolutely love this wall art. I have been wanting to do some for my house and totally can handle making this. Those are styrofoam squares painted, with scrapbook paper pinned to them!! Super creative! I am going to be trying something like this for my bedroom.
Pinned HERE

I love this subway art!! So Stinkin Cute! There is also a few other subway arts for Christmas if you go to her blog! I am going to be printing this out for sure for Christmas this year!!
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Many times I think of the laundry room as a boring..not so fun place. But with this cute wall art you can make it exciting!! This is the best idea! When I have a laundry room of my own I think I just might be doing something like this! I love it!!
Pinned HERE

This looks like so much fun! I know my daughter would absolutely love this in the bath tub. They just put a bunch of glow sticks in the water and turned the lights off!! I will be trying this very soon with her.
Source: Unknown
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I absolutely am in love with this!! I Love You Art out of the alphabet. Such a cute idea. I would love this in mine and my husbands room.
Source: Kate (Etsy Shop)
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Doesn't this just look absolutely delicious?!? It is called S'More Krispy Treats. I definitely will be trying this one! Yummy!!
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These are Elf Donuts. Aren't they so cute!! They are made out of Cheerios! This is such a cute idea to leave them out with Santa's cookies. My daughter would have fun making these so I think we just might do that this year!!
Pinned HERE

Here is afabulous tutorial on how to get wavy hair with a flat iron. It is such a good tutorial. I followed her steps on Tuesday to do my hair like this and it worked PERFECT!!! I have been having a hard time with the flat iron technique but she gives great tips, which I took from her! Totally Awesome!!
Pinned HERE

Santa Hat Brownies. Aren't these so cute for a Christmas Party?? They look delicious too! I think I might try these out this year!

I hope you all enjoyed my first week Pinterest Loves!! Feel free to "pin" them if you Love some of them too!!! Also I hope everyone has a fabulous fun filled weekend!!!

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