Snow Art & No Mess Painting

This week I am going to be doing a series called:

I thought it would be fun to show you some things that I have been doing with my kids recently. I have been trying to think outside the box...mostly due to Pinterest!! have more fun with my kids doing things at home. Trying different experiments and things to play with. I just wanted to get them out of there usual playing with the toys in the house, coloring in coloring books and playing games. 

Today I have a couple of different ideas for the kids to color and paint with that are not the usual.

The first is coloring in the snow!!! We live in Utah and so we get snow every winter. This year it has been really mild. Most of the winter has felt like spring. We have only had like 3 big storms that brought snow to the valley's that stayed around for a couple of days. Luckily we had one of those storms a couple of weekends ago!!!

To do this you will need:
-A couple of bottles with a small spout on it
-Food Coloring

We got our bottles and filled them up with water and added a couple drops of food coloring in. Then shook it to mix it all together to make their "paint." 
(I am super mad...I took pictures of all the steps, but something went wrong with my memory card so those pictures are gone now:( I am sure you can follow it without pictures though!!

We made 3 different colors: red, purple and teal. Kaitlyn loved helping make the paint!! Then we went outside and let the kids color all over the front yard!  My little Logan who is 15 months even colored! I got a picture of him but that was one of the pictures I lost:( 

Here are the pictures from their coloring time in the snow!!
Making a Flower

Painting a Rainbow

Making her own creation

My cute Kaitlyn!!

She absolutely loved being able to color the snow! Like I said above my 15 month old enjoyed it as well. We will be doing this again for sure...that is when we get more snow!!!


The Second thing I have for you is No Mess Painting. I actually saw this on Pinterest and knew that Kaitlyn would love it so we just had to try it out!!

What you will need:

-Ziploc bag
-Masking tape

All you need to do is put a few drops of paint in the Ziploc bag. You can put a few different colors in the same bag. Then seal it tight and tape it to the counter. 

Then let the kids paint and there is NO MESS!!
She is working on spreading the paint around and mixing them together. 

We found a chopstick for her to use to help her make designs in the paint. Don't worry...I only let her use the rounded end! 

She definitely loved doing this activity. I know we will be doing this again very soon!!

I hope you enjoyed Day 1 of the Kids Days series reading about Snow Art and No Mess Painting!

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