Magnetic Chore Chart

Since my oldest child is almost 5 now, I knew it was time to start a chore chart 
for her so she can help more with simple things around the house.
 I went on Pinterest looking for a cute chore chart and found a cute magnetic
 one like my Pizza Pan Magnetic Boards I made HERE.

I loved the idea of how they put this together so
I kind of did what they had done. 

Here is the Chart I made:

This only cost me about $3.00 to make. I bought the pizza pan at the dollar store and then got the bottle caps at Michael's in a big pack. I definitely have some left over for other projects. 

How I Made It:

First, I had to come up with the chores I wanted to use. With my kiddos still being little, I had to think of things they could handle doing. {The best part about vinyl is that it peels off so I can change the chores later on!}

I then got onto my Circut computer program and designed the chores to be inside of circles.

Then I transferred those onto the pizza pan.
After I got them all on, I measured out the middle and the designed the saying "When we're helping we're happy" on my circut as well and transferred that onto the pan.

Next, I made the bottle cap magnets.
I got on my circut again and cut out circles the size of the bottle cap. I use pink and green vinyl. One color for each child. Then I cut out the first initial for each child in white vinyl. I put the circles on the bottle caps first and then put the initials on top of the colored vinyl.

When those were all put together I hot glued magnets onto the back of them. I could have just let the magnetic part to its magic here, but let's be are involved with this so I wanted them to be secure!

 I wanted to be able to hang this up so next,
I drilled 2 holes in the top of the pan on both sides of it.

This way I could feed the ribbon through so it would be more secure. I tied on knot on both ends and left it showing towards the front.

Lastly, I put the magnets on the board!!

It was pretty easy to make, just a lot of work on the Circut!

I can't even tell you how much this has worked. My daughter, especially, has been so excited to help around the house. She loves being able to take her magnets off when she is done with that chore! My little guy doesn't really understand, but when he is done with his chore, I let him move his magnet to make it fun so when he does he will be excited!

**To see the original chore chart, go HERE.

Joining these Link Parties HERE


  1. Jill that is really cute and clever. Not so cumbersome as many are! I love it!

  2. So cute Jill! Much better than the file one I made for Jax LOL - I will have to make one like this! :) Thanks for the idea!

  3. Jill, I love this! My soon to be 5 year old (at the end of June) needs one of these - oh and my hubby does too :) I love how economical it is too!

  4. love it :) chore charts are so helpful1

  5. This is such a good idea. My daughter needs one of these for her 8 and 5 year old. I'll be sharing it with her.

    We are having a party at Tumbleweed Contessa - What'd You Do This Weekend? I'd love it if yu would share it there.

    Have a good week,

  6. Super idea!!! Pinned. My daughter teaches art and could make one for her students jobs ect. Passing along to her. Stop over:)

  7. What a great idea...My daughter should could of used one of these. Thanks for sharing at One More Time...nice to have you back.

  8. This is so cute! I love that it's magnetic. Very clever! I'm featuring this at my link party tomorrow night and pinning it!

  9. This is so cute and such a great idea! I would love for you to link this up at my link party tomorrow! Hope to see you!

  10. Great tips everybody. Thanks! I even have a giant colorful sign on my schoolroom that claims 'If not Pine Tree State, who? If not currently, when?'. I refer the kids to the current whenever there's a large number to scrub up, or employment to be donejob chartIt's nice to listen to them say it to themselves typically, as they devour a born pencil or one thing (that wasn't even!). I additionally love the method you visit your students as 'friends'. may strive it....

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