Faith Quote Decor & Free Printable

A few weeks ago I was having a very hard day about things that my hubby and I are trying to do in our lives right now. I came across a quote about Faith and it was something I totally needed to read at the time. I knew I needed this up in my home as a reminder to have faith every day in our lives. 

Here is the quote:

How I Made It:

I took an old frame that I had on hand and spray painted it white. I put 4 coats on so it was bright white.

When that dried, I took some antiquing glaze that my amazing friend gave me and went over the frame and the inner boarder to help it pop. 

As you can see its not perfect and I wanted it to be that way. It gives it some good character!

When that dried I put the quote in that I had designed:

I have this FREE for you to download! You can go HERE to do that!

I LOVE how it turned out!!

What do you think??

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  1. I LOVE it Jill! And I love the quote. It is something I needed to hear right now. Thanks for sharing. I hope everything works for you and your husband with what you are dealing with.

  2. Jill, you always make the best printables!

  3. Hi Jill,
    Thank you so much for the party.
    Have a great Thrusday!


  4. This turned out so great Jill!! I love the colors :)


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