Tissue Paper Pom Pom Tutorial

Today I am continuing on with the Birthday Decor I made for my Mom's Surprise Party over the weekend. On Monday I showed you the Cute Birthday Banner I made. 

I also made some fun Tissue Paper Pom Poms for the party as well. 
Today I have a tutorial for you on how to make them. 

Here is what they look like:

These are so easy to make and you only need a few items. I bought mine at the Dollar Store so they were cheap to make too!

What You Will Need:

- Tissue Paper {You will need 8-10 sheets for one pom pom}

How To Make Them:

Step 1:
First you are going to separate the colors of tissue paper if needed. Then take one color and line the papers up the best you can.

Step 2:
You are going take the papers by the shorter side and fold them together accordion style, like you would fold a fan when you were younger. As I went along doing this I took a pen and slid it down on the folds to help crease them.

Step 3:
Cut some of your ribbon long enough to go tie around the tissue paper and to be able to hang it up.
Then you will tie the ribbon around the middle. Make sure your knot is on the SIDE of the long strip you have made. It will hang better this way...it won't be all lop sided!

Step 4:
Next, you will take your scissors and cut the ends of the tissue paper. You can either cut it to a point or make it rounded. The more dramatic you are in cutting the more flower like it will look. Hope that makes sense!

Step 5:
Now you are going to take your strip and open up each side to make it look like that fan you made when you were little.

Step 6:
Next, you are going to start on one side and really separate each paper being careful not to rip the tissue paper! Each paper that is closest to the ribbon you are going to fold it toward the ribbon working your way to the middle to form the ball.
{In this picture I am working on the right side only!}

When you have one side done, do the other side.

Now you should have a ball formed! If needed you can go around and separate some more if you have any holes. Now you are done!!

These are such a fun way to add flare to your party!
They went perfect with the Birthday Banner I made HERE.

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