{About Me}

Two Yellow Birds Decor came about almost 2 years ago because of my love for crafting. My sisters kept seeing my work and talked me into doing a crafting blog. I got the name because my favorite color is Yellow and I have 2 kids so I added them in as the 2 birds.

I met my hubby on a blind date in October of 2006. We fell in love and were married in May of 2007. The. Best. Day. Ever!

We have 2 beautiful kids that we love so much. 

Miss Kaitlyn was born in June of 2008

Mister Logan was born in November of 2010

I love to craft. I think it keeps me sane some days!! I love my kids so much but sometimes I just need a little break. My cute hubby is very handy and helps me out a lot with crafting. He cuts all my wood for me and has made a few things for me to do! I love him so much!


  1. Ahhh, what a cute family. Crafting in my spare time is my favorite thing to do too....I can't seem to get enough! LOL

  2. Wish i had found you sooner!! Love your style :) Now a follower!

  3. Love, love, love all your ideas! Great blog, great ideas - I have quite a list to do now!

    1. You are the sweetest thing! Thank you so much for your kind words!

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I appreciate every single comment!! I promise to respond to any questions you may have! Thanks for stopping by!