The Versatile Blogger Award

Happy Monday!! I hope everyone had a fabulous day!  I am so excited to tell you all that I won my first blogger award from Heather at Inspire Me Heather! Thank you so much Heather for giving it to me!

The rules for this award are:
-Thank and Link back to the person who gave you this award
-Share 7 things about yourself
-Send it to 15 other bloggers and let them know you have awarded them

7 things about me are:
1. I was born and raised in Utah
2. I am the youngest of 6 kids
3. I hate seafood
4. I love to exercise early in the morning
5. I recently lost 50 pounds 
6. I am a Mom to 2 beautiful kids
7. I have the best husband in the world who helps me with many of  my projects

I am awarding:
I have chosen to give this to 15 blogs whose blog projects I adore!


  1. Thanks so much for the award;) thats amazing that you recently lost 50 l s. What your secret?

  2. Hi Jill! Great 7 things and congrats on 50 lbs - wow girl! I don't like seafood either, yuck. Nice to meet you here in blogland, until next time - take care!

  3. Hi Jill, Congrats on the award, and losing 50 lbs. Thanks for visiting me. I'm your latest follower.

  4. Thanks so much for the award as well! We are all flattered! Im your newest follower as well.
    ~Bridget from

  5. Wowzers, thank you for the award! :) You're far too kind!

  6. Thanks for the award, Jill! That's such a nice surprise :). I'll have to think about my 15!

    That's so cool that you've lost 50 lbs! Congrats!

  7. Thanks sooo very much for the award! You know I love your blog! Have a great day!

  8. Another project that gives me hope... it's gotta be simple or I don't attempt. ;) Thanks for sharing!

  9. OM Gosh thank you so much. Not many people read my blog so thank you so much for the honor!

  10. what the what! thank you so much for the award. I'll be giving mine out this weekend!



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