Easy Peazy {Scrumptious Caramel Popcorn}

I got this recipe from my Mom a few years ago. She had this popcorn at a party and got the recipe from the person who brought it. It is seriously the BEST Caramel Popcorn I have ever had. It is so soft and has the best taste. I have made it many times before for parties I have gone to and without fail I usually have at least 1 person come ask me for the recipe. So I just had to share this with all of you!!! 

It is SUPER EASY to make and as I said it is SCRUMPTIOUS!!!

Here Is What You Need:

-3 bags of Microwave butter popcorn
-1/2 cup Butter (it has to be real butter, not margarin) 
-1/2 cup Brown Sugar
-24 Big Marshmallows

How You Make It:

Pop all 3 bags of popcorn and put into one big bowl. After you get them all popped you will need another big bowl. Using your hands, you are going to transfer all the popcorn to the other bowl. You are going to be getting out all the un-popped kernels during this step. Nothing is worse then eating carmel popcorn and biting down on a hard kernel!! When you pick up a scoop kind of shake your hands so if there are any un-popped kernels in it they can fall out. 

After you get that all done you are going to make the caramel. 

In a medium saucepan you are going to melt the butter and brown sugar together on medium-low heat. If you put it any higher you will have a hard caramel sauce!!

Once that is all melted you are going to add the marshmallows. I do half at a time. 
It takes about 10-15 minutes for them to melt down. I stir mine almost constantly. I will let it sit here and there for a minute so the marshmallows can melt. 

Once they are all melted you will pore that over the popcorn.

Then of course, you are going to mix that all together and EAT!!! Super Easy!!

You can also make them into Popcorn Balls if you would like:

If you decided to try this recipe I would love to know what you think of it!!

Joining the Following:

Totally Inspired Tuesdays

{Junk in their Trunk}

One Artsy Mama
Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. I LOVE caramel corn. This looks SOO good.:) I might try it.

  2. Love this! It does seem pretty simple to make! And I bet it tastes even better.. thanks for the easy recipe :)

    If you get a chance I would love for you to link this up to my Friday party :)

  3. I love caramel popcorn. Definitely going to have to make this. I love your blog. I'm your newest follower. Would love you to stop by DIY Home Sweet Home.
    P.S. I have a giveaway going on. Come over and check it out.


  4. We use the same recipe and create them every year as a gift for neighbors. Just place a batch of carmel popcorn in a plastic cmas tub with lid - super easy cmas gift. Thanks for sharing. Just found your blog and became a follower. Check out my blog too. Hotpinkpansy.com Hugs, Andi

  5. I thought it was the best when you and David made it for us!

  6. My husband loves caramel popcorn and this is about the only time of year he can find it in the store... I'll have to surprise him with some homemade ;) Thanks for sharing!

  7. Carmel and marshmallow together - sounds delicious! Adding this to my "gotta try" list.

  8. I love homemade caramel popcorn. I have been looking for a recipe so now I will have to try yours. Thanks for sharing. I would love it if you could link this up to our linky party going on right now.


  9. Of course I pinned it!!! The kids will love this :)

  10. Yummmm! Sounds delicious...and addictive! So glad you shared at Shine On Fridays!!

  11. Jill this looks so yummy! I just made one last night with white chocolate I will have to try yours out. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing.

  12. Hi there! That may just be the most delicious thing I've ever seen in my life! So glad I found your blog through the hop. So refreshing!


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