Now on {Pinterest} & New Series

 It has only taken me FOREVER...but I am now on Pinterest!!! It took me awhile because I have heard from many people that it is addicting. So I hesitated for a long time. But I finally gave in yesterday and I am so glad I did. I have totally found out for myself now just how addicting it is, but I LOVE it!!! It is so fun to be able to have a place to "pin" your favorite things on the web. I have been going "pin" happy!!! 

If you are on there...please come follow me...and I promise I will follow you back!!! Just click 

FOLLOW ME ON PINTEREST and you will find me!!! Thanks so much!


I am going to be starting a new series called

Every Friday I am going to be posting my top 5 Pinterest Loves from the week.  So make sure to come back Friday to see my top 5 from this week!!!! Thank you all for your wonderful support!

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