Thursday's Temptation #31 & Fabulous Features

Welcome to this weeks
Thursday's Temptation!!

**I am so sorry I am late with the link party! Please forgive me!

We are so glad that YOU are here to party with us!
A huge thank you to everyone who shared there amazing ideas at last weeks party! I have been inspired by so many of you!

Let's get to this weeks Fabulous Features!

Our Most View Link Was:
8 Easy Dollar Tree Crafts @ A Grace Full Life. I can't believe all the things you can find at the dollar store to decorate with. She has some awesome and cute decor ideas!

Paying it Backwards Teachers' Gift @ Feel LOVD Every Day. I love what they did with this little gift. They went and visited the kids previous teacher when meeting there new teacher. She says it so well to remember those teacher's who got you where you are today! I am sure the teachers loved getting a cute little gift to start out their new year from an old student! LOVE THIS!!

Fabric Covered Crate Seats @ Wait Til Your Father Gets Home. I love this cute little seat! What a darling way to make a fun seat for your kids bedroom or a little study area in the house. So adorable!!

Ham and Broccoli Quiche @ Learning To Be a Mom. I absolutely love quiche, but have actually never made it myself. This looks so easy to make and looks delicious! I have to give this a try!! YUM!!

DIY Cardboard Box Barn @ See Vanessa Craft. I am in love with this little barn!! What little kid would not love to play in it?!? The detail is amazing on it from the sunflowers to the animals to the little white picket fence. So CUTE!!!

If you were featured, make sure you grab a button!
Two Yellow Birds Decor

Now let's PARTY!!!

The RULES are simple:

-Follow Two Yellow Birds Decor
-Grab a button or add a link somewhere on your blog
-Link to your post, not your main blog
{No giveaways or Etsy shops, Please}
-Come back next week to see if you have been Featured
-Lastly, check out some other fun projects and most importantly...
Two Yellow Birds Decor


  1. Jill, you are so kind to feature LOVD's "Paying It Backwards" teacher's gift idea. It was a big hit and so well received by the recipients. In fact, they were pleasantly surprised!!!!!

  2. Aww thanks for the feature Jill! Big hugs!

  3. So glad you got your blog back!! Best wishes, Linda

  4. Thanks for hosting Jill and I am glad your blog is back! (Whew!)

  5. Thank you so much for hosting Jill, have a wonderful weekend :)

    Hugs, Tanya


I appreciate every single comment!! I promise to respond to any questions you may have! Thanks for stopping by!