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Happy Halloween & Some Super Excitement

To All My Blogging Friends And Followers!!!

I hope everyone is having a fun day so far!! I am so excited to take my kids trick or treating tonight. This is Logan's first Halloween! I know miss Kaitlyn is ecstatic to go out and get some candy tonight!! I will post some pictures tomorrow of what they are going to be for Halloween!

Before I post my exciting news I want to give some back ground on this for those that don't know. Last November I had my second child. I had a C-Section with him so I had some long recovery time. In February I decided that it was time to lose some weight. I gained a lot with my first baby and tried losing weight after she was born, but only lost about 25 pounds. I didn't gain much with Logan, but I still had all the weight from Kaitlyn. So I started my journey on February 5 and as of last Saturday I have lost a total of 54 pounds!! 

I didn't take good before pictures which I am not happy about, but this is from family pictures we had done in January.
**Remember These Pants That I am Wearing!!**

Now for my super excitement that I wanted to share with you. I was getting ready on Saturday afternoon for my father in law's birthday party. When I got done figuring out what I was going to wear I decided that it would be fun to try on my "BIG" pants. These were the pants that I wore before I started my weight loss. They are the ones that I am wearing in the family picture above. When I pulled them out I was thinking that I was going to have to take my pants off to get them on. When I looked closer I realized that wasn't the case. I was able to put them on OVER the jeans that I was wearing!!! I had to pairs of pants on and they were sill HUGE on me!! Here is the picture...
I still can't believe I was that big! But I will NEVER be going back there!! I still am on my journey. I want to lose about another 30 pounds. But I am getting very close to being where I want to be!

Also, I want to remind you that this Thursday I am going to be having my First Guest Blogger. We are going to be having Danielle from Blissful & Domestic. I am very excited for what she is showing us!! You don't want to miss it! 

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