I hope all of you had a fabulous Halloween. We had so much fun!! My whole family slept in! Bad thing for daddy though. I woke up at 8:24am and he was is bed next to me still...his first class starts at 8:25am. OOPS!!! His second class was canceled so we both saw no point for him to drive all the way to the U of U, which is about a 30 minute drive, for 1 class. So he was able to stay home with us all day!! It was fun to have him around. We went over to his parents house in the afternoon and spent some time with his Mom. We then went Trick or Treating with the kids at 7:00. It was so fun for me this year so be able to see Kaitlyn totally getting into it. She was running up to every door and would knock and then actually say "Trick or Treat!!" She is very shy so I was a little shocked, but it was so cute!! All day today she has been saying she wants to go trick or treating! Logan had no clue what was going on, but he was so cute. Here are my two kids in their costumes as promised in yesterdays Happy Halloween & Some super weekend excitement.
They were The Princess & The Frog!! Too cute!! I love them so much! Oh and I am really sorry..it is not the best picture, Logan was not happy about being in his costume and did not like having the hood on.
Every time we go to the store my daughter sees something that she wants and asks if we can get it, as do most kids do I am sure. Pretty much every time, it's NO!! She also has been acting up lately. I think I know why. When Logan was first born she did really well having someone else around. I was really nervous if she would have a hard time with someone else needing Mommy's time more. He will be 1 in 11 days, tear. I am not sure why this happened until recently but she is seeing and realizing more that Mommy can't give her all of her attention. She has been having accidents almost once a week lately and when I finally sat her down and asked her why she said, "Because you are not there to help me." I am guessing its because I have to change Logan's diapers so he gets help but I don't help her since she is potty trained. It made me sad, but I have to realize and so does she that she is a big girl and can do this on her own. She has also been asking me to feed her meals like I have to feed Logan.
My husband and I talked and we decided it might be good to have her earn money...just coins, no dollar bills...that just she can get. So it makes her feel like a big girl and something that she gets but Logan does not. Of course she has no concept of the actual amount we are giving her. We will give her different amounts based on what is was that she did. It is not an allowance. These are the ways we let her earn them: Help me with something, clean up toys around the house, just being a good girl during the day and listening, most of all if she doesn't have an accident during the day. We did the last one for the first few days we started this and of course she didn't have any accidents. I didn't want to keep giving them to her for not having accidents so after about 4 days I stopped and she hasn't had one since. I hope it keeps working!! We give her the coins sparingly, not every day. Sometimes she does earn a few in a day. Just depends on how she is acting. She loves being the BIG GIRL and earn these coins.We told her when she earns enough we would take her to the dollar store and she can buy something with her own money.
After we told her what we were going to be doing with her I told her that she could help me make her jar that we were going to put them in. So we made it together!! It was so much fun to have her involved in it. I think she really enjoyed it too!
Here is what it looks like:
Now I am going to give you a Tutorial on how we made it!
Here is what you will need:
- Some type of jar or canister to make it out of. We used an old similac can from Logan
- Scrap booking paper
- Any embellishments you want to add to it (I used ribbon, jewels and a flower)
- Ruler
- Paper Cutter
- Glue stick
- Hot glue gun
- Spray Paint if needed
- Vinyl lettering
How to make it:
We started out by measuring the can. Then we cut the paper to its size. Kaitlyn loves pink and picked out all the papers she wanted to use by herself.
When I measured it the can was 13" around so I cut two strips that were 7" to make it 14". It was 4" wide. Kaitlyn helped cut them out.
Next we glued that paper one using a glue stick. Kaitlyn put it all over the can and then I put the paper on.
Next we took a different patterned paper and tore it al 1" wide. I also did 2 strips at 7" long. Kaitlyn loved this part!!
Then we glued that on at the bottom of the can.
We then went out to the garage and spray painted the lid black. I put 2 coats on so we couldn't see any writing or blue on it.
I promise it is a solid black. I was just getting major glare from the things around me in the garage!
While that was drying we went to the computer where Kaitlyn picked out her font for the saying "Kaitlyn's Money Jar." She chose the font Lima Bean found here. We didn't end up using the purple as pictured above, We cut it out in black vinyl.
After that I hot glued a pink ribbon around the bottom and put a flower in the middle under where the writing. Then I put some clear jewels next to that going only halfway around the can.
When the lid was finally dry we cut a circle out of the paper we used on the bottom and mod podged that to the top of the lid. When that dried, but hubby cut a slit in the top of it for Kaitlyn to put her coins in.
She totally LOVES it!!! Here are some cute pictures of her with it...
She is so cute!! I love her!
She is in preschool right now and is learning how to count. To help with that every few days right before bed we will have her pull out her coins so she can count how many she has!! It is a fun way for her to count. She has done very well with it.
Just a reminder...this Thursday I will be having my very First Guest Blogger! I am so excited!! Danielle from Blissful & Domestic will be here. You don't want to miss it!! See you Thursday!
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Awww, soo adorable :))
ReplyDeleteThanks for inviting me over! What a cute blog and I love the commentary on your daughter because my son was a lot like that. He is now 4 1/2 and is much better (he use to have an accident at least every other day) and doing so much better. Yeah!
ReplyDeleteThe Farm Girl
p.s. I am following you now too :)
Great idea! I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old also. This will be perfect for those hard days and the good days! :)
Love their costumes and love the money jar idea. We have done that with our kids and ti has helped them understand that things cost money. What a great Mommy you are:>
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking up and sharing:>