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{First Guest Post} Danielle from Blissful and Domestic

I am so excited to do to be having my very First Guest Blogger Post!! Thank you so much to Danielle from Blissful and Domestic for stopping by today!! She is a new bloggy friend of mine and I am so glad she is here! She does the cutest crafts and has some yummy recipes. You all need to go check out Blissful and Domestic. She is seriously the sweetest girl!
I am so excited about her post today.
She is going to show us how to do a Super Cute up style a plain t-shirt for cheap!!

 Blogger Friends Meet Danielle

Hello Lovelies! I am so excited to be here at Two Yellow Birds Decor! Thanks for having me Jill. I am excited to share a fun tutorial with you today. Before we get crafting though, I thought I would introduce myself first.


I am Danielle and my home is over at Blissful and Domestic. I love to blog about sewing, crafts, recipes,home-school, etc. Basically anything that allows me to use my creative gene. I love thrift stores and re-purposing, which is mainly what you will see from me. I love taking someone's cast offs and make them into something fantastic. So in a nutshell I am a crafting Mom, who loves to blog and share with all my blogging friends.

Now that you know a little bit about about we get crafting?

After spending last month focusing on Halloween, I thought it was time to start sewing for myself. So lets get our sewing machines out and start sewing. Crafty Chickas need cute stuff too right? Can't use all the craftiness on our homes and children, although my little red heads do look so dang cute when they model what I make, but today we are focusing on us.

I started out with a simple white shirt I found at Target, in the clearance section. This is THE best place to go to find great shirts to repurpose. I also always check out thrift stores. I snagged this shirt for a little under $3, so you can say I was a little excited.


I cut 4 strips of white tulle. 
They were each probably about half a yard in length.
I kind of eyeballed it.


I did a running stitch down the middles of my layers of tulle.


Pin the tulle onto your shirt. I used my Dress form, so I knew where the placement would be on myself, but you don't have to use one.


Once your tulle is pinned where you want it, start sewing.


I used a zig zag stitch to go down the middle.
Snip of the excess thread.


Now your done!

Now I have a fun new shirt to wear with skirts and pants.
I hope you guys get a chance to try out this shirt refashion. 
For other refashions hop on over to Blissful and Domestic.
I'd love to have you.

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1 comment:

  1. It looks great1 I am so glad I was able to be here today. Thanks so much for having me:>


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