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Liebster Award

I can't believe it but recently I have been awarded the Liebster Award 3 different times! I feel so honored that these lovely ladies would award me with this!! Thank you so much to:

Michelle @ Crazy For Crafts

Barbara & Alicia @ A Mother and A Daughter

If you are not familiar with the Liebster Award here is what it means:
Liebster is a German word meaning 'dearest' or 'beloved' but it can also mean 'favorite'.  The idea is to pass the award on to five of your favorite blogs with under 200 followers.  The recipients will then forward the blog love.

It is so hard to choose from the many wonderful blogs out there, but after some hard thinking here are my 5:

A Grace Full Life- Kari has so many Amazing DIY crafts and home makeover ideas. I have learned so many tips from her on how to make old things look adorable again!

Creative Raisins- Lisa has tons a of GREAT decorating ideas and recently has had some super CUTE birthday party ideas! 

Frazzled Five- I love Jen's blog! She has some cute ideas for decorating around the house. She is seriously AMAZING!

The Hally Household- Michala shares so many fun things that are happening in her cute family! She also shares yummy recipes and does so many amazing crafts! She is one talented lady!!

Two Sasters- Cortnee & Cari are 2 awesome sisters that have come together to do a fabulous blog! They have lots of fun ideas of things you can do and make with your kids. They also share other cute ideas for decor around the house!

Go check out these AMAZING ladies blogs and show them some LOVE!

If you receive this award, please do the following...

1) Choose 5 up and coming blogs to receive the Liebster. The blog must have less than 200 followers.

2) Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them. (Feel free to copy my post and fill in your own award winners.)

3) Post the award on your blog and list the bloggers you are giving the award to with links to their sites.

4) Give yourself a pat on the back!!

Thanks again to the lovely ladies who gave the Award to Me!!


  1. Yay for you, I'll go have a peek at the other blogs too!

  2. I received this award when I first started blogging. SO fun! and I will have to stop by the other blogs you nominated:)

  3. Thanks so much Jill! I am honored that you would even consider me.:) I am off to create my list now!!!

  4. Jill - you made my day:) Thank you soo much - you are too sweet!!!

  5. Congratulations on your award. I've been finding lots of "support" out their for fairly new bloggers. What a great community. Thanks for becoming a new follower at my blog. I just became your newest follower!


I appreciate every single comment!! I promise to respond to any questions you may have! Thanks for stopping by!

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